
Short trends still up after slow trading.

All indexes moved further up Tuesday in the two hour trends but 8 day and 8 week falling MA:s are expected to stop further advancement soon.

Merkel and Sarkozy are expected to talk about the dept crisis Wednesday.

Many U.S. analysts are trading the markets only on debt news from Europe and media all over the world are watching every move European politicians do. Lots of rumors in circulation and the markets are waiting and hoping for many answers. My opinion is that the debt problems will be the main focus for a long time and it seems to me that the German Parliament will deliver the answers in late September. Merkel and Sarkozy cannot foresee what the Bundestag will do but can probably give news which will affect the trading.

U.S. bonds have been in a strong uptrend since the beginning of July which makes the yields falling accordingly. There are no signs of topping out yet but this trend seems to me to be the last rally in the uptrend that started in the mid 1980:s.

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